Aryana’s Fashion
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- Collection Spotlight: The Forearm-Length Glove Collection
Gloves are my signature piece, so it's no wonder I started the collection part of my spotlight series with them. They're so versatile, and today I'll start with the most basic type: the Forearm-Length Gloves. Because these are all, design-wise, similar, I'll be explaining them all together. My most basic gloves, these are super versatile. In a few different bright colors, these are super fun and can be paired with anything to match, or for a pop of color. Where would I pair them? Well, that depends. The green looks beautiful with beige, brown (for a nature themed look) or black. Red, a bold color, can be used with a neutral outfit or matching to a red piece. Dark blue is the most neutral, but with grays and whites it can be used as a color pop. The yellow can be used for yellow matching, or with pinks/browns. And last but not least, purple is quite versatile, pairing well with black and white, as well as many other colors. Which color is your favorite? Comment!
- Fabric Spotlight: Velvet
Velvet is one of my favorite fabrics, in fact, it may be my favorite! So it was super fitting that I started my Fabric Spotlight with it. Here's a few pieces made of velvet that really showcase this fabric. This pink dress gives off beautiful easter vibes. The grecian neckline gives this a fancy look, while the velvet is warm and comfortable. Almost all my gloves are velvet, be it crushed or patterned, and these simple black gloves are as versatile as their fabric - sleek, elegant, but still comfortable. This skirt is made of purple velvet that I absolutely LOVE. It's simple, but elegant, with its pleated waist. Off the shoulder styles are perfect for summer. This dress is the PERFECT example, the sky blue velvet and off the shoulder look giving it a sunny vibe. There it is! Which one is your favorite?
- Color Spotlight: RED ❤️
Welcome to my new Spotlight Series, where I highlight a specific color, fabric, or type of piece! I'm going to be highlighting a specific color: red. Red is the color of blood, roses, and many other things. Usually it has a very bold and passionate vibe that can be read as a little angry. I have so many beautiful pieces that I can't wait to share, all bearing this hue. Here's four pieces that really rock the red. First up: This beautiful red velvet induction ceremony dress. It is a very bold shade of red, and the texture of the fabric along with the style and color make it look fit for an award ceremony. Next: Next, this red one-shoulder, which is one of my favorite pieces EVER! It's bold, and perfect for a summer's night out. Then: This dress is passionate as fire. The tulle contrasts beautifully with the velvet and gives it a look of pure flame. The sleeves are so drape-y, and may be my favorite part of the outfit. Almost done: This beautiful red-and-black lace skirt gives Cruella vibes in the best way (and who better to bare the bold and passionate red then her?). I love the black lace pattern over the bright red. And finally: Red velvet gloves: a staple anywhere! These gloves are simple but elegant and add a pop of color and style to any outfit. Overall, I've noticed red & velvet go hand-in-hand! Red velvet is gorgeous so no questions there! These pieces are so beautiful, and so different, but they all keep some similarities.
- UPDATE: the Back-To-School Collection
I've given a sneak peak for my new HUGE collection, the back-to-school collection, which is a collection of newly made pieces for schoo. I've made a modification though: because we go to school in all kinds of weather, I've decided this won't be a one-and done like my other collections where I make a set number of peices and done. Instead I see myself working on this collection for a while. I've yet to make a page, but I'll create one once I have a few pieces. And also, I'll include pieces for school-related events such as homecoming and halloween, so this will be MASSIVE. This will probably be going on for at least this school year. Even though I don't have a page yet, here's my first day of school dress:
- 1 Year Anniversary Post
I've been posting on this blog for a whole year, and I can't believe it. I wanted to do a post for my 1-year "anniversary". I'm not sure when that was, but I know it was pretty close to now, give or take a couple of days. For this, I decided to review all the things I've made and posted, and decided to answer some "most" questions about my pieces. Go to my galleries and check them out! Piece that Reminds You the Most of A Fictional Character: Elsa’s Coronation Dress (Dresses) Most Magical Piece - Fire Dress (Dresses) Softest Piece: Pink and White Lace Skirt (Simple Skirts) Favorite Summer Dress: Blue off the Shoulder (Velvet Dress Collection) Favorite Piece in Your Favorite Color: Pink and Orange Velvet Dress (Dresses) Most Fandom-Inspired Dress: May the Fourth Dress (Star Wars)* (Star Wars Collection) Most Music-Inspired Dress - Midnights Velvet Dress (Taylor Swift Collection - Project 1) Most Complimented: Black and Silver Outfit (Elaborate Skirts) Most Recently Made Piece: Concert Dress (Taylor Swift Collection) Favorite Fabric/Stuff You Made With It? - I don't have one :). But if I had to pick, I guess I'd pick any of the velvets. I love velvet. (Skirts/Dresses) I also made a little video using a lightsaber (I really wanted an excuse to show them off, really) and outfits I've made. Characters: Red: Darth Vader White: Ahsoka Tano Green: Yoda Blue: Anakin Skywalker Purple: Mace Windu Yellow: Temple Guards Some notes: These are just interpretations using my outfits. These are not supposed to be in anyway exact, because I didn't make clothes based on the outfits. The ones with the robes I struggled with the most, because I don't really make much in brown and I didn't really want to repeat outfits. Star Wars has everyone with a really signature look (they don't really change clothes often) , which is why I wanted to re-create some of the characters instead of in LotR or HP, because they each wear a thousand outfits (and the LIGHTSABERS), and the movies give each character such a clear style that it's easy to give everyone an outfit, even if you have to improvie a little. I tried to not necessarily use jedi/sith characters with brown/black robes, which is why yellow = temple guards, not rey, and red= vader not palpatine (on a similar note, I know anakin = vader). Why I chose the outfits: Vader has to wear black, and it has a cape. Also it looked like it was refecting the light, and Vader has a very all-eyes-on-me style. Ahsoka wears a maroon dress in Clone Wars and it's a major color in Rebels, so it's safe to assume she wore the color a lot. Though in the live-action she was wearing black, if I went with that, all the characters would be wearing brown or black. I know her lightsabers are green in TCW, but she's the only white-saber wielder I know. Yoda's clothes are an olive-green and he is green, plus it has a robe-y drape that screams wisdom to me. Anakin in the animated shows wears blue and black, so the dark blue made sense. Mace Windu usually wears brown, but I don't make things in brown, so I picked black, and the silver stars eemed to fit in with his darker, powerful persona. The temple guards wear silver armor(?), so there's that. Which one is your favorite? Tell me in the comments.
- Back to School Collection: Part 1 SNEAK PEAK!!!
My back to school collection is coming out soon, so I wanted to give everyone a sneak peek. Here's some pictures!!
- Moodboard Version 2
I redid my mood board a little while back, and U wanted to show it on here. It's very different this time, as I'll explain. So obviously there's no fabric on this, which is the biggest change. The images are also bigger, and I put my blog name in the center. You can find my original board in this article: Content wise, there's a lot more fantasy in this. I love some of the magical elements in these dresses, which is why I included them. There's also some Indian lenghas in there, which have beautiful embroidery on them. There's also a more fantastical color palette in this one. Which mood board do you prefer? Tell me in the comments!
- Happy Summer!!!
It's now summer. There's no school, but lots of fashion is still in season. I've got so many beautiful creations I cannot wait to post. I just have to make them. But they're great ideas. This summer, I've got a huge surprise!! I'm releasing some of my sketches. They have all the things I want to make, even if I can't find the reason or fabric to do so. I'm no great artist, but I've worked really hard at my drawings and can't wait to post them. Also, I'm planning to make a 1-year anniversary post... more details released later. I promise it's something I've never done before. Also, I have a present: a mini video I made. I got ready to take some pictures when I was on vacation and decided to have some fun with it. (Yes I really did make myself laugh. I wasn't trying to.) The dresses are my blue velvet off the shoulder and a new one I'll post shortly: the Orchid Spaghetti Strap Dress Have any ideas on the post? Comment!
- Outfits Based on Hogwarts Houses
All of the Hogwarts Houses in Harry Potter have, in my opinion, a unique asthetic. These are my compilations of the different outfits I think the houses would wear Slytherin Slytherins are cunning and ambitious, and their colors are green and silver. Their animal is a snake. Hufflepuff Hufflepuffs are kind and loyal, their colors being black and yellow. Their animal is a badger. Gryffindor Gryffindors are known for their loyalty and courage. Their mascot is the lion, and their colors are red and gold. Ravenclaw (my house =D) Ravenclaws are creative and intelligent, their colors are are blue and bronze. Their mascot is the eagle (makes no sense, I know). Thanks to my friend who helped me! Comment your house below!!
- The Best Of… Voting
So, because I’ve been posting for nearly 9 months (yay!), I wanted to see what people’s favorites were for different pieces. If you have a clear favorite, please vote! The pieces that get the most votes on the poll will be on my HomePage and if you have a reason for your vote you’d like to share, please, comment! Thank you for taking the poll! And if you have a reason why you picked what you did, or an idea for me to design, please comment!
- What I’m Up To
I decided to make a post for all the things I'm doing, because I'm doing a lot of upcoming projects I'm really excited for. Sewing My big two projects: Grad Dress and Taylor Swift Dress Grad Dress - my grad dress isn't done yet, but I'll hopefully be done at the end of the week. I'll make it its own page under dresses because it's a big process I've been working on for a month. All I'll say is that it's fancy princess-style with gold and purple. Taylor Swift Concert Dress - I'm going to the concert, which is really exciting. I can't wait. This is midnights-inspired, and will have indian inspiration, which will be really cool, as I'll be mashing up a little big of something from each song on the album. I have a rough idea of what it will look like, but I haven't started sewing yet. It will mainly be dark blue and silver, with some lavender. More Projects: Taylor Swift collection - this will probably be in July, as I will be on vacation for a lot of the time of June after school ends. I'm really excited for this. The first dress will be cornelia dress, which I know I've been saying for ages, but this time I mean it. Back-to-School - also in july, I'll be making a bunch of things like jackets, dresses, leggings, etc. for school. There'll probably be a lot of overlap, especially collection-wise, as things like the leather and leggings projects will also be for school. Other projects - I have several! I have a sparkly white skirt, blue and black lace, as well as the Cornelia street dress started. I'll also work on these in july, but these will probably be priority, so some may be in june. Blogging There are so many!! These will also mostly be july, but some will be now leather and leggings An update to dresses An update to the taylor swift collection (probably two; one now, and one july) Another sub-dresses page for the grad dress An update to my homepage A post about speak now taylor's version A summer dress post or collection A hogwarts house post Any ideas? Comment
- Taylor Swift Albums as Dresses
Taylor Swift has 10 albums, each comprising a different style. Here's each Taylor album as a dress (complete with shoes) sketch: Taylor Swift (debut) I always imagine Debut as an album with a white lily floating in a pool of water. For this, I'd make a simple white dress, with flat sandals. I know most people use country boots for it, but I think that the flats are better. The whole white thing adds to how young she is. Fearless Fearless is pure country, and the dress shows it. She's got class, shown by the ruffles, but she's also a teenager, prone to heartbreak and all those things an 18 year old does. The color of this album is a dark gold, she's shining, but she's not quite at her top game - yet, just like the color of her dress. To me, fearless is a quintessential country album, so she's going to rock some sleek black boots. Speak Now Speak Now has to be similar as her cover picture. It just is a ballgown, and many of her songs feel like something mid-evil. It's a long gown, queenly, and it touches the floor. Though the inspo is mainly drawn from the cover, she does seem to favor long gowns in this era - look at her Enchanted Eras Tour Dress! Red Red is a short (red, obviously!) dress, with red beading like a mosaic, (which is exactly what the album is described as) and a sparkly silver belt. It's paired with short silver boots, and looks like something she'd wear to her 22nd birthday party. 1989 1989 is strapless and sparkly, with orange and pink beads. It's just having a good time with bejeweled sparkly heels. Bright and poppy, it encapsulates the vibrant, glitter gel-pen spirit of the album. Reputation Reputation's colors are undoubtedly black and gold. There's a plain black dress with gold belt, and high necked sheer metallic black sleeves give it a goth look. Pairing it with the high boots for her tour opener, this dress seems dark but is really just soft and beautiful - just like Reputation. Lover Lover is all things sparkly, cotton candy, and pastel - with a good dose of pink and touch of blue added in. The pastel pink layered and pleated skirt has a vibe I'd give to my Cornelia street dress. And the soft white velvet shows the shout-it-from-the-rooftops and so-in-love style of the album. Folklore The wise one is folklore. And while most would think of a cardigan, besides that, my mind immediately goes to an old-style peasant dress. Simple grey and off-the-shoulder, this may just be something Betty pulls on (along with the cardigan under her bed) at her birthday party. Evermore Emerald velvet, barefoot, walking through dense forest, nobody around - all things I think of in Evermore. This is the one where she becomes the village storyteller, telling tales as old as time. But after that, she'd surely walk around in this emerald velvet dress, barefoot in the woods, the hem brushing her ankles. Midnights Midnights' theme is insomnia, and who doesn't love putting a cozy shawl over their nightgown? Modeled after the VMAs afterparty look, this cozy dress is something Taylor would wear as she toses and turns, trying to get to sleep. Thoughts? Questions? Leave a comment. Today's prompt: what's your favorite look?